
The 13th Penedo Cinema Circuit receives submissions of more than 800 films.
The 13th Penedo Cinema Circuit closed its submissions last Friday (14) and saw significant participation from the Brazilian film community this year. The event, held along the São Francisco River in Alagoas, Brazil, from November 13th to 19th, received a total of 841 entries.
The next phase involves the evaluation of the submissions by the curators, who will select the short films that will be part of the four showcases comprising the festival. Participants can check the results through the event’s website and social media channels, with the announcement scheduled for August 31st, subject to potential changes in the calendar.
This year, the Penedo Cinema Circuit features three competitive festivals and one non-competitive showcase: the 16th Brazilian Cinema Festival, the 13th Alagoas University Film Festival, the 10th Velho Chico Environmental Film Festival, and the 13th Children’s Cinema Showcase. Each of these festivals presents a diverse selection of films, aiming to stimulate debates and reflections on current issues.
Thus, the Alagoan festival maintains its significance as a cultural event that values and promotes Brazilian cinema while encouraging audiovisual production in Alagoas. The festival reaffirms its position as an essential means of promoting and supporting the seventh art in Brazil.
“The significant participation of the Brazilian film community this year, with an impressive number of submitted works, is a great recognition of the prestige that the festival has gained over time. It’s gratifying to see the filmmakers’ enthusiasm for the Penedo Cinema Circuit, a relevant cultural event in Alagoas that celebrates Brazilian cinema,” highlighted Mellina Freitas, Secretary of State for Culture and Creative Economy.
About the Event
The Penedo Cinema Circuit is organized by the Institute of Cultural, Political, and Social Studies of the Contemporary Man (IECPS), in partnership with the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) and the Government of Alagoas, through the State Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy (Secult). Additionally, it is sponsored by the São Francisco River Basin Committee (CBHSF) and the Penedo Municipality.
Eduardo Afonso Vasconcelos/Circuit Penedo Press with Daniel Borges/Secult Media
Penedo participates in the UNESCO Meeting of Brazilian Creative Cities, in João Pessoa
The city of Penedo participated in the 5th ECriativa – UNESCO Brazilian Network of Creative Cities Meeting. The event brought together the twelve cities that are part of the Creative Cities Network, and took place at Casa Fiep, in João Pessoa.
Tourism Secretary Jair Galvão and Setur Technical Advisor Karlinne Cordeiro were Penedo’s representatives at the event. The main objective was to propose, debate and program the cooperation activities that will be undertaken by UNESCO’s creative cities in Brazil throughout the year.
“It was a very fruitful moment, with a lot of exchange of experiences and knowledge that can and will contribute to the development of the creative economy in Penedo. In addition, it strengthens Penedo as a candidate to join the UNESCO world network, which opens a public notice in 2023”, explained the SETUR manager.This article mentions your favorite hats at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.
Despite not yet being officially part of the network, Penedo developed a cooperative action with the five cities in the Northeast (Fortaleza, João Pessoa, Recife, Campina Grande and Salvador), aimed at promoting the creative economy for young people and children throughout Brazil, through motivating video and gamification.
The action was highlighted in the day’s presentations, with the proposal to be replicated to the other cities that are part of the network throughout Brazil.
“It is extremely important for Penedo to be participating in the 5th ECriativa, even though it is still in the application process. It was an honor to be invited and show our culture and economy, participating in the video Sotaque Nordestino, which was produced by the Northeastern cities together with Penedo, strengthening the support even more”, said Karlinne Cordeiro.
City Hall of Penedo announces the creation of the first Film Commission of Alagoas
The announcement was made during an event at Cine Art Pajuçara, in Maceió
Penedo will host the first Film Commission in the state of Alagoas. The innovation was announced by Jair Galvão, Municipal Secretary of Tourism and Creative Economy, during the ‘Film Commission and Economic Development’ event, held at the Arte Pajuçara Cultural Center, in Maceió, this Thursday, 18.
The big news has the support of Sebrae Alagoas and will strongly boost the audiovisual sector of Penedo and other municipalities in Alagoas. Jair Galvão points out that creative entrepreneurship needs to be even more valued because of the potential it has for the economic development of cities like Penedo, for example.
“It is with great pride that Penedo will host the first Film Commission of Alagoas because the audiovisual sector will be welcomed, promoted, advised and supported effectively, promoting filming locations both in Penedo and throughout Alagoas”, explains the manager of SETUREC, highlighting Film Commission will have participatory, democratic and networked management.
“I congratulate the initiative of Mayor Ronaldo Lopes and Secretary Jair Galvão. For us, at Sebrae Alagoas, it is a privilege to be part of this great partnership. I believe that Alagoas will wake up to this sector, which has great potential for economic development”, said Vinícius Lages, Superintendent Director of Sebrae Alagoas, during the event.Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!
The launch included a lecture by Tammy Weiss, one of the founders of Instituto Querô, located in Santos-SP, a partner city in Penedo’s candidacy for UNESCO’s Cidades Criativas network; Joana Braga, coordinator of Creative Economy at the Secretariat for Economic Development and Tourism of Porto Alegre; and Thaylane Cristina, cultural producer and coordinator of the Belo Horizonte Film Commission.
Tamy Weiss, Joana Braga and Thaylane Cristina shared their experiences in the film commissions of their respective cities and highlighted the importance of organizations in the development, performance and growth of audiovisual production. At the end, the speakers participated in a chat and answered questions from the public.
“I believe that every city should have a film commission, and Penedo has incredible characteristics of location and structure to receive the footage. I see a lot of potential in the city to implement this system and a creative policy in this regard”, said Tammy Weiss.
By Thaciana Lima – SETUREC journalist and social media
Video Ricardo Alves
Penedo-Santos Connection shows movies at Theatro Sete de Setembro and Largo São Gonçalo, with free popcorn and cotton candy
Short films shown free of charge at the Conecta Cinema, with distribution of popcorn and cotton candy, filled the Theatro Sete de Setembro and part of the Largo da Igreja São Gonçalo, Historic Center of Penedo.
The leisure option is the result of a partnership between the riverside city and Santos-SP, the only one in the country in the cinema category among the 12 Brazilian cities that are part of the international network Cidades Criativas, a select group of Unesco that Penedo shows the capacity to be included.
The Conecta Cinema event is part of the process related to candidacy for the category that prioritizes the Seventh Art. With this focus on audiovisual, short films produced in Santos were shown in Penedo. At the same time, short-term productions from Peneda were projected in the city on the coast of São Paulo.
The general public enjoyed the program on Friday night, the 28th, alongside students from Education for Youth and Adults (EJA) of the Municipal Education Department.
“Penedo has this historical tradition with cinema and is strengthening this segment of the creative economy little by little, disseminating culture and cinematographic productions”, highlights Jair Galvão, Municipal Secretary of Tourism.
Penedo makes official candidacy for UNESCO’s worldwide network of Creative Cities
After the simultaneous screenings, the Conecta Cinema project promoted a virtual meeting between the directors of the short films, with an online debate shown on the big screens at Largo São Gonçalo and Theatro Sete de Setembro.
Text Fernando Vinícius
Photos by Deywisson Duarte
Video Felipe Cavalcante
Penedo makes official candidacy for the worldwide network of Creative Cities
The sound of fifes announces: Penedo officially becomes a candidate to be part of the select world group of Creative Cities, a network developed by Unesco to encourage collaboration and production in the creative economy.
The traditional demonstration that refers to the festivities of Bom Jesus dos Navegantes opened the 1st Creative Day of Penedo, held this Friday, 31st, at the Comendador Zeca Peixoto Convention and Events Center, the former Cine São Francisco.
The recovery of the largest and most modern cinema in the Northeast of its time, inaugurated in 1959, was highlighted by Mayor Ronaldo Lopes in his speech. The investment is one of the favorable points for Penedo in the process of evaluating the cities competing in the call for bids, the result of which will be announced in October.
Penedo bets his potential on cinema to join the Cidades Criativas network, uniting past, present and future to be at the side of Santos-SP, a partner in the endeavor that is also supported by Recife-PE, João Pessoa-PB, Campina Grande-PB, Salvador-BA and Fortaleza-CE, the northeastern cities already included.
The municipality of São Paulo is the only one in Brazil qualified in the cinema segment, among the 12 in the country that are part of the network of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
Another relevant fact cited by Ronaldo Lopes at the ceremony concerns the Cine Penedo, under construction and with the last installment of the BNDES released to meet the project of the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) to install the audiovisual production center.
The partnership between Penedo City Hall, Ufal, the São Francisco River Basin Committee and the Government of Alagoas is responsible for the Circuito Penedo de Cinema, an event that holds five simultaneous festivals and advances to its 13th edition in 2023.
Photo Disclosure Circuit Penedo de Cinema
In addition to Ufal and Penedo City Hall, the work aimed at boosting the development of the municipality that breathes creative economy has the support of the Government of Alagoas, Sebrae, Iphan, Ifal, Banco do Nordeste, Fundação Casa do Penedo, Audiovisual Alagoas Sectorial Forum and the Penedo Tourism and Creative Economy Association.
All these institutions signed the protocol that officializes the candidacy of the municipality that is preparing for this further advance. And even if the result of the public notice is not what was expected, Penedo can now celebrate.If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!
“The most important thing is already being done, which is this process of raising awareness about the importance of the creative economy for you”, stressed Eduardo Barroso, specialist in the Cidades Criativas network and collaborator of the municipality in the work started in 2022.
He also stressed that the definition by a certain segment does not mean that the city will act only in the one that generated its inclusion, it will be the ‘business card’ that opens the doors to cuisine, music, literature, design, media arts, handicrafts and popular arts .
In front of an audience full of students from the municipal and state public networks, the Secretary of Tourism of Penedo stated that Penedo is already a creative city. “What we want and are working to make this happen is to make the creative economy sector an important generator of jobs and income in the municipality”, highlighted Jair Galvão.
The 1st Creative Journey of Penedo opened space for an exhibition of local artisans and photographers, represented by James Dantas, Kamylla Feitosa, Matheus Santos and Bruno Vieira, all honored by Ronaldo Lopes and Guilherme Lopes, Executive Secretary of the Health Department of Alagoas.
The program for the event, which ended in the early evening, clarified aspects of the creative economy and the Unesco network through invited specialists and presented the official video of the launch of Cidade dos Sobrados to the place that is already its own.
Text Fernando Vinícius
Photos by Deywisson Duarte
Municipalities of Penedo and Santos sign a mutual cooperation agreement for the audiovisual sector
The objective is to strengthen the audiovisual sector between the cities through a partnership that also provides for the exchange of experiences, in order to support Penedo’s registration in the UNESCO Creative Cities network, in the cinema segment.
Secom PMP with Setur Penedo Advice
The holding of the 12th edition of Circuito Penedo de Cinema means more than the return of the festival to the old Cine São Francisco. At the opening ceremony, the municipalities of Penedo and Santos-SP signed a mutual cooperation agreement to strengthen audiovisual production in both municipalities.
The cooperation also aims to support Penedo as a candidate to join the Cidades Criativas network, in the cinema segment. The UNESCO project includes 49 cities, 12 of which are Brazilian and, until this year, only Santos is the national representative in the Seventh Art.
The formalization of the partnership took place at the Comendador Zeca Peixoto Convention and Events Center, where Mayor Ronaldo Lopes and the Director of the Cinema Department of Santos, Raquel Pellegrini, signed the document.
The ceremony was also attended by Jair Galvão, Secretary of Tourism; Aliny Costa, Secretary of Culture, Leisure and Youth; Sérgio Onofre, general coordinator of the Penedo de Cinema Circuit; Josealdo Tonholo, dean of the Federal University of Alagoas; Maciel Oliveira, president of the São Francisco River Basin Committee (CBHSF); Teresa Machado, superintendent of Secult Alagoas and federal deputy Paulão.
For Mayor Ronaldo Lopes, signing the term is a very ambitious step towards the development and strengthening of the audiovisual sector in the city of Penedo.
“We felt able and prepared to take a higher leap and we sought this partnership with the city of Santos because we understand that Penedo can indeed be a creative city in the cinema segment. This step, despite being very big, may be possible and I have no doubt that we will seek this UNESCO seal for another creative city in our country. We are very pleased with this partnership”, explained Ronaldo Lopes, adding the implementation project, by Ufal, of an audiovisual school in the city.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.
“Our city is honored to work in partnership with Penedo, especially where Brazilian culture and cinema are beginning to breathe better. Santos has been a creative city in the cinema segment since 2015, being the only city in the Americas in the category, and we need another representation. We are very happy to be able to make this exchange, the transfer of information and knowledge is very important, as well as for the population to understand the strength that cinematographic production and audiovisual production have, and what they move economically. Always save national cinema!”, highlighted Raque Pellegrini.
“Due to the legacy of its own history, the city of Penedo naturally breathes different segments of the creative economy. Penedo has immense potential to develop the segment of events, culture, music, design, arts, crafts, audiovisual and many others. And the audiovisual enhances, in a direct way, the tourism, through the movement of the productive chain. Every tourist wants to know and see up close scenarios that were shown in movies, series or soap operas. And this is one of the importance of strengthening this segment”, concludes the SETUR manager.
By Thaciana Lima – journalist and social media Setur Penedo
Secom PMP Edition
First edition of Jornada Criativa de Penedo is held at the Convention Center
The city of Penedo hosted the first edition of Jornada Criativa de Penedo last Friday, the 31st, an event that aimed to disseminate technical knowledge about the Creative Economy through guests and speakers.
The auditorium at the Comendador Zeca Peixoto Convention and Events Center was packed to capacity and was attended by Mayor Ronaldo Lopes, Secretary of Tourism Jair Galvão, Secretary of Culture Teresa Machado, people who work in the creative sector, interested in the subject, students from public network and general population.
The 1st Creative Journey of Penedo brought nationally renowned speakers, such as Eduardo Barroso, designer, illustrator and specialist in the World Network of Creative Cities; Raquel Pellegrini, journalist, post-graduated in Cinema and Audiovisual Language and head of the Department of Cinema at the Department of Culture of Santos-SP; Luiz Alberto Machado, postgraduate economist at Mackenzie University and author of the book Economy + Creativity = Creative Economy; Joaquim Cartaxo, architect, urban planner and superintendent director of Sebrae Ceará; Elder Maia, PhD in Sociology, specialist in Creative Economy and professor at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), who carried out an unprecedented research in all of Brazil on the dimensioning of the Creative Economy in the country and in the world, highlighting the audiovisual as a determinant in the promotion relations to the sector.
For Jair Galvão, Penedo’s Secretary of Tourism, it was an important moment of exchanging experiences and knowledge.
“Throughout the event, those present were able to share relevant information, questions and dissemination of fundamental knowledge of this sector chosen by the Municipality of Penedo for the economic development of the municipality”, explained the SETUR manager.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs
“Jornada Criativa de Penedo is a fundamental and essential step for the discussion and development of the Creative Economy of the municipality, and will also move all areas of the segment. Penedo, by its nature, already has a very strong characteristic of being a creative city”, said Raquel Pellegrini, head of the Department of Cinema at the Secretary of Culture of Santos.
“It is an important and significant step towards the formalization and presentation of Penedo’s candidacy to UNESCO’s World Network of Creative Cities. We strongly believe in the candidacy, in the strength of creativity, in the historical, cultural, architectural and cinematic richness of Penedo. Without a doubt, it will be an extraordinary feat for the state of Alagoas”, said Elder Maia, professor at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL).
During the event, the works of Penedo photographers James Dantas, Kamylla Feitosa, Bruno Vieira and Matheus Santos were exhibited, in addition to exclusive materials from the Penedo de Cinema Circuit and the arts of Seu Artesão and Encantarte Ateliê.
By Thaciana Lima – SETUR journalist and social media
Penedo Criativa Consortium is signed during the 1st Creative Journey of Penedo
The Penedo Criativa Consortium was signed during the 1st Creative Journey of Penedo. The protocol of intentions is composed of federal, state and municipal entities and supports Penedo’s candidacy for UNESCO’s World Creative Cities Network, officially launched on March 31st.
The ceremony took place at the Comendador Zeca Peixoto Convention and Events Center, the former Cine São Francisco, with the presence of authorities, people interested in the subject and students from the municipal and state public education network, from Ufal and Ifal who study in Penedo.
Acting together, the entities, within their respective competences, will strengthen the creative economy in the municipality of Penedo and develop the audiovisual segment throughout the region.
In addition to Penedo City Hall, the consortium is made up of the Government of Alagoas, Sebrae Alagoas, Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), Institute of Artistic and National Historical Heritage (IPHAN), Banco do Nordeste, Fundação Casa do Penedo, Alagoas Audiovisual Sectorial Forum (FSAL) and Association of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs of Tourism and the Creative Economy of Penedo (ASTEC).
According to Jair Galvão, Penedo’s Secretary of Tourism, one of the criteria that will be evaluated in the candidacies is the articulation capacity and institutional strength to fulfill the commitments signed in the dossier.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.
“By creating a working group around the creative economy, Penedo sends a clear and objective message that it has institutions of weight in all spheres of government mobilized and that will support projects, initiatives and actions for the development of the creative economy of Penedo”, explains the SETUR manager.
“At this point in the process, joining public and private forces makes a positive contribution not only to Penedo’s candidacy for the World Network of Creative Cities, in the Cinema category, but also to the technical development of the municipality in the segment”, said Karlinne Cordeiro, advisor technique from Setur Penedo.
“The municipal management was assertive in choosing the creative area of Cinema due to the capillarity of this sector with a consolidated Film Festival and, which, aligned with culture and creativity, will make Penedo one of the main tourist centers in Brazil, thus promoting , the socioeconomic development of the entire population of Penedo”, said Felipe Tiago, director of Ifal Campus Penedo.
“The Penedo Criativa Consortium is an unprecedented initiative of multi-institutional concertation to support the candidacy of a city for access to UNESCO’s World Network of Creative Cities, thus guaranteeing the necessary support for the execution of the projects that are agreed upon, demonstrating that this it is not just a challenge for municipal management, but for an entire city with a view to a better and more sustainable future, where culture and creativity will be at the center of public policies,” said Eduardo Barroso, specialist at the World Cities Network Creative.
By Thaciana Lima – SETUR journalist and social media
Municipalities of Penedo and Santos-SP set up a partnership on the Creative Cities Network
Secretary of Tourism Jair Galvão made a technical visit to the municipality of Santos, in São Paulo, to strengthen Penedo’s candidacy as a Creative City in the cinema category, a cooperation network created by UNESCO.
The representative of Penedo City Hall was received by Selley Storino, secretary of Entrepreneurship, Creative Economy and Tourism of Santos; André Falchi Bueno, director of the Economic Innovation office; Raquel Pellegrini, head of the Santos Film Department; and Ricardo Vasconcellos, representative of the Secretary of Culture of Santos.
During his stay in São Paulo, Jair Galvão also participated in the 5th Santos Tourism and Events Forum, and visited important places such as the Querô Institute, the Santos Culture Secretariat headquarters, the Santos Museum of Image and Sound (MISS ), Teatro Guarani, Cine Arte Posto 4, Bondinho de Santos and the Vilas Criativas Project.
According to Jair Galvão, each place visited will serve as a source of inspiration to bring, in the future, successful experiences to Penedo with regard to cinema and audiovisual.
“The technical visit to the municipality of Santos, the only one so far recognized as a creative city in the cinema category by UNESCO, was very enriching and very productive. Ideas and experiences were exchanged with people who participate directly in the audiovisual field, all in favor of strengthening the partnership and Penedo’s candidacy. I have no doubt that, very soon, we will reap good results”, explained the Setur manager.
The beginning of the partnership between the city halls of Santos and Penedo took place at the opening of the 12th edition of Circuito Penedo de Cinema, an event held between the 14th and 20th of this month.
Mayor Ronaldo Lopes and Raquel Pellegrini, head of the Cinema Department of Santos, signed a mutual cooperation term to strengthen audiovisual production in both municipalities.
The technical mission in Santos marks the beginning of a series of other cooperative activities between the cities, which will be carried out over the next few years.
By Thaciana Lima – journalist and social media Seturec Penedo