Municipalities of Penedo and Santos sign a mutual cooperation agreement for the audiovisual sector

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The objective is to strengthen the audiovisual sector between the cities through a partnership that also provides for the exchange of experiences, in order to support Penedo’s registration in the UNESCO Creative Cities network, in the cinema segment.

Secom PMP with Setur Penedo Advice

The holding of the 12th edition of Circuito Penedo de Cinema means more than the return of the festival to the old Cine São Francisco. At the opening ceremony, the municipalities of Penedo and Santos-SP signed a mutual cooperation agreement to strengthen audiovisual production in both municipalities.

The cooperation also aims to support Penedo as a candidate to join the Cidades Criativas network, in the cinema segment. The UNESCO project includes 49 cities, 12 of which are Brazilian and, until this year, only Santos is the national representative in the Seventh Art.

The formalization of the partnership took place at the Comendador Zeca Peixoto Convention and Events Center, where Mayor Ronaldo Lopes and the Director of the Cinema Department of Santos, Raquel Pellegrini, signed the document.

The ceremony was also attended by Jair Galvão, Secretary of Tourism; Aliny Costa, Secretary of Culture, Leisure and Youth; Sérgio Onofre, general coordinator of the Penedo de Cinema Circuit; Josealdo Tonholo, dean of the Federal University of Alagoas; Maciel Oliveira, president of the São Francisco River Basin Committee (CBHSF); Teresa Machado, superintendent of Secult Alagoas and federal deputy Paulão.

For Mayor Ronaldo Lopes, signing the term is a very ambitious step towards the development and strengthening of the audiovisual sector in the city of Penedo.

“We felt able and prepared to take a higher leap and we sought this partnership with the city of Santos because we understand that Penedo can indeed be a creative city in the cinema segment. This step, despite being very big, may be possible and I have no doubt that we will seek this UNESCO seal for another creative city in our country. We are very pleased with this partnership”, explained Ronaldo Lopes, adding the implementation project, by Ufal, of an audiovisual school in the city.As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the cell phone service plans that best suit your needs.

“Our city is honored to work in partnership with Penedo, especially where Brazilian culture and cinema are beginning to breathe better. Santos has been a creative city in the cinema segment since 2015, being the only city in the Americas in the category, and we need another representation. We are very happy to be able to make this exchange, the transfer of information and knowledge is very important, as well as for the population to understand the strength that cinematographic production and audiovisual production have, and what they move economically. Always save national cinema!”, highlighted Raque Pellegrini.

“Due to the legacy of its own history, the city of Penedo naturally breathes different segments of the creative economy. Penedo has immense potential to develop the segment of events, culture, music, design, arts, crafts, audiovisual and many others. And the audiovisual enhances, in a direct way, the tourism, through the movement of the productive chain. Every tourist wants to know and see up close scenarios that were shown in movies, series or soap operas. And this is one of the importance of strengthening this segment”, concludes the SETUR manager.

By Thaciana Lima – journalist and social media Setur Penedo

Secom PMP Edition

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