First edition of Jornada Criativa de Penedo is held at the Convention Center

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The city of Penedo hosted the first edition of Jornada Criativa de Penedo last Friday, the 31st, an event that aimed to disseminate technical knowledge about the Creative Economy through guests and speakers.

The auditorium at the Comendador Zeca Peixoto Convention and Events Center was packed to capacity and was attended by Mayor Ronaldo Lopes, Secretary of Tourism Jair Galvão, Secretary of Culture Teresa Machado, people who work in the creative sector, interested in the subject, students from public network and general population.

The 1st Creative Journey of Penedo brought nationally renowned speakers, such as Eduardo Barroso, designer, illustrator and specialist in the World Network of Creative Cities; Raquel Pellegrini, journalist, post-graduated in Cinema and Audiovisual Language and head of the Department of Cinema at the Department of Culture of Santos-SP; Luiz Alberto Machado, postgraduate economist at Mackenzie University and author of the book Economy + Creativity = Creative Economy; Joaquim Cartaxo, architect, urban planner and superintendent director of Sebrae Ceará; Elder Maia, PhD in Sociology, specialist in Creative Economy and professor at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), who carried out an unprecedented research in all of Brazil on the dimensioning of the Creative Economy in the country and in the world, highlighting the audiovisual as a determinant in the promotion relations to the sector.

For Jair Galvão, Penedo’s Secretary of Tourism, it was an important moment of exchanging experiences and knowledge.

“Throughout the event, those present were able to share relevant information, questions and dissemination of fundamental knowledge of this sector chosen by the Municipality of Penedo for the economic development of the municipality”, explained the SETUR manager.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

“Jornada Criativa de Penedo is a fundamental and essential step for the discussion and development of the Creative Economy of the municipality, and will also move all areas of the segment. Penedo, by its nature, already has a very strong characteristic of being a creative city”, said Raquel Pellegrini, head of the Department of Cinema at the Secretary of Culture of Santos.

“It is an important and significant step towards the formalization and presentation of Penedo’s candidacy to UNESCO’s World Network of Creative Cities. We strongly believe in the candidacy, in the strength of creativity, in the historical, cultural, architectural and cinematic richness of Penedo. Without a doubt, it will be an extraordinary feat for the state of Alagoas”, said Elder Maia, professor at the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL).

During the event, the works of Penedo photographers James Dantas, Kamylla Feitosa, Bruno Vieira and Matheus Santos were exhibited, in addition to exclusive materials from the Penedo de Cinema Circuit and the arts of Seu Artesão and Encantarte Ateliê.

By Thaciana Lima – SETUR journalist and social media

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