Short films shown free of charge at the Conecta Cinema, with distribution of popcorn and cotton candy, filled the Theatro Sete de Setembro and part of the Largo da Igreja São Gonçalo, Historic Center of Penedo.
The leisure option is the result of a partnership between the riverside city and Santos-SP, the only one in the country in the cinema category among the 12 Brazilian cities that are part of the international network Cidades Criativas, a select group of Unesco that Penedo shows the capacity to be included.
The Conecta Cinema event is part of the process related to candidacy for the category that prioritizes the Seventh Art. With this focus on audiovisual, short films produced in Santos were shown in Penedo. At the same time, short-term productions from Peneda were projected in the city on the coast of São Paulo.
The general public enjoyed the program on Friday night, the 28th, alongside students from Education for Youth and Adults (EJA) of the Municipal Education Department.
“Penedo has this historical tradition with cinema and is strengthening this segment of the creative economy little by little, disseminating culture and cinematographic productions”, highlights Jair Galvão, Municipal Secretary of Tourism.
Penedo makes official candidacy for UNESCO’s worldwide network of Creative Cities
After the simultaneous screenings, the Conecta Cinema project promoted a virtual meeting between the directors of the short films, with an online debate shown on the big screens at Largo São Gonçalo and Theatro Sete de Setembro.
Text Fernando Vinícius
Photos by Deywisson Duarte
Video Felipe Cavalcante