Creative Cooperations


Creative Cooperations

Meeting of UNESCO Brazilian Creative Cities

The main objective was to propose, debate and program the cooperation activities that will be undertaken by UNESCO's creative cities in Brazil throughout the year.

Penedo developed a cooperative action with the five cities in the Northeast (Fortaleza, João Pessoa, Recife, Campina Grande and Salvador), aimed at disseminating the creative economy for young people and children throughout Brazil, through motivating video and gamification.

The action was highlighted in the day's presentations, with the proposal to be replicated to the other cities that are part of the network throughout Brazil.

Mutual cooperation Agreement Penedo - Santos

Raquel Pelegrini, representative of the Municipality of Santos (SP), presented a term of mutual cooperation agreement that was signed by the Municipality of Penedo and the Municipality of Santos, which is considered one of the greatest creative cities in Latin America.

The purpose of the signature is to exchange knowledge and obtain support to also make Penedo a candidate to be the audiovisual city in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) and to be considered, in fact, a creative city.

Raquel highlighted the importance of the partnership with Penedo City Hall. “It is an honor to work in partnership with Penedo at this time when culture and cinema are starting to breathe a little better. Santos has been a creative city since 2015 and we need another representation on this side of the Northeast. This exchange of information and knowledge is very important because Penedo is a city that moves a lot of people, moves a productive chain”, she said.

The mayor of Penedo, Ronaldo Lopes, the representative of the city of Santos, Raquel Pelegrini, the secretary of culture of Penedo, Aliny Costa, the secretary of tourism, Jair Galvão and the rector of Ufal, Josealdo Tonholo, signed the term.Offering popular women's necklaces such as pendants, chokers and chain necklace. Shop for jewelry in a variety of metals and gemstones to suit any occasion

Conexão Cinema Penedo - Santos

The "Conexão Cinema" event is part of the process related to candidacy for the category that prioritizes the Seventh Art. With this focus on audiovisual, short films produced in Santos were shown in Penedo. At the same time, short-term productions from Peneda were projected in the city on the coast of São Paulo.

The leisure option is the result of a partnership between the riverside city and Santos-SP, the only one in the country in the cinema category among the 12 Brazilian cities that are part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, a select group of Unesco that Penedo shows the capacity to be included.

Film Commission International Seminar

Penedo hosted an international film commission seminar in the city of Maceio, capital of Alagoas. With the support of Sebrae, representatives of the film commissions of the cities of Santos (creative city of film), Belo Horizonte (creative city of gastronomy) and Porto Alegre, shared their expertise among many municipalities representatives, film sector stakeholders, private and third sector organizations. The cities of Valladolid and Terrasa (cities of film in Spain) were also invited.

The event was held in the “Cine Arte Pajuçara” and aimed to create awareness and common knowledge in the state film industry about the importance of a Film Commission. During the seminar, Penedo announced the creation of the first film commission of the state of Alagoas. Film maker will be welcomed and will have full support while choosing locations not only in the city of Penedo but in any other destinations they may choose.

International Music Festival of Penedo in Portugal (Castro Daire and Lisbon)

Culture, knowledge and exchange of experiences marked the Penedo International Music Festival.
Penedo took its traditional international music festival overseas. In addition to its October event, the most recent edition was unprecedented and special. It took place in Europe, more precisely in Portugal, on May 25 and 26, 2023 in the cities of Lisbon and Castro Daire. During two intense days, the delegation from Alagoas interacted with researchers, professors, students and the public who participated in concerts, forums, lectures, workshops and book launches.

Penedo, which had already been standing out as a city that chose the creative economy as one of its major vectors of development, presented the world with the richness of its culture and history. This initiative also served to strengthen Portuguese-Brazilian relations, promoting exchanges between universities in music, literature and tourism, considering the third weekly frequency of direct flights from Lisbon to the capital of Alagoas.

The FEMUPE had the opportunity to broaden horizons, a goal that has already been achieved. Around 200 children and teenagers participated in the festival, which puts Penedo in the forefront not only of the production of music festivals, but also in the production of educational festivals.

Smart Destinations Program - DTI

The city of Penedo was selected and now joins the Turismo Futuro do Brasil Program, an initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) carried out in partnership with Sebrae for only 12 municipalities in Brazil

The main objective of the program is to contemplate the selected destinations with the elaboration of planning instruments and the implementation of actions for the strengthening and consolidation of two strategies of Smart Tourist Destinations.

Participating cities are regularly evaluated by collaborators from the technical staff of Sebrae, the BID and invited entities. It is worth mentioning that all professionals involved have specific experience with the tourism sector.

The inclusion of Penedo in the select group means access to international methodologies used for better use of information and technology, with sustainability, in the development of public policies and projects in tourism, as well as a guaranteed seat in the first Brazilian Smart Destinations Network.