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The 2024 edition of Penedo Cinema Circuit is already preparing for the big event, which will happen from November 25th to December 1st, with competitive and non-competitive short films shows. As its first action, the Circuit opened notice to film subscriptions, whose deadline runs from June 24th to August 04th.
This year’s edition will also be in a hybrid format, merging in-person and online activities, granting access to all people who are interested in the seventh art. Consecrated as a national covering cultural activity and completely free, Penedo Cinema Circuit is produced by the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), the Institute of Cultural, Political and Social Studies of Contemporary Man (IECPS) and the Secretary of State for Culture of Alagoas and Creative Economy (SECULT-AL). Promoted in partnership with other private and public institutions, it is sponsored by the São Francisco River Hydrographic Basin Committee, Penedo City Hall and SEBRAE-AL.
The Circuit organization establishes the criteria for participation in competitive and non-competitive exhibitions, which occur in its schedule. Each bidder must choose only one available show: the 17th Penedo Brazilian Film Festival, the 14th Alagoas University Film Festival, the 11th Velho Chico Environmental Film Festival and the 14th Children’s Film Festival.
According to the notice 01/2024, if there is duplicate submission of the same work, only the last one will be validated. By the established rules, only productions which weren’t classified in previous editions of the Circuit will be accepted. It’s important to highlight that each short film must last a maximum of 25 minutes, including credits, and have been produced from 2022 onwards.
In the Non-Competitive Children’s Cinema Exhibition, the bidder will participate in submitting works at the 14th Children’s Cinema Exhibition. In that case, will be allowed national short films productions with free indicative rating lasting a maximum of 25 minutes, in any format, in which should be produced in the last five years. This exhibition does not set a limit for the registration of audiovisual works per producer or filmmaker.
As a result
The evaluation and selection of films will be made by commissions indicated by the Circuit coordination, composed by producers, film clubs, critics, professors and researchers in audiovisual and similar areas. The pre-selected films will be announced, until September 6th, in the event’s webpage and social media, in addition to emails sent to the interested parties.
The final result of the selected films to the 14th Edition of the Penedo Cinema Circuit will be presented from September 14th onwards. After its homologation, each bidder will have up to September 30th, to send an HD film copy in MOV or MP4; in H.264 through the cloud service (Google Drive, Dropbox, Wetransfer or similar); Exhibition Authorization Term, completed and signed by the legal guardian; three photos of the film scene, poster and photo of the director [with a minimum resolution of 300dpi] in JPG format for use in promotional material and memories of the event; in addition to the director’s filmography.
To know more about the rules, read the complete notice here and in the annex below.
Originally posted by Simoneide Araújo on 06/25/2024.
Translated by Denner Sabino