Embratur audiovisual notice will fund short films that promote Brazil as a tourist destination

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Audiovisual producers from Penedo and Alagoas, play close attention! The Brazilian Agency of International Tourism Promotion (EMBRATUR) opened registrations to the short films notice ‘Brasil com S’.


This initiative is unseen and financially supports audiovisual projects that promote Brazil as a tourist destination. The submissions may be done at this link until December 7th.


According to Embratur, the content of the  short films should promote destinations, routes and touristic experiences, through people, history, locations, landscapes, sustainability, diversity tourism (afro tourism, LGBTQ+, accessibility, gender equality, etc.) Nature tourism, adventure, eco tourism, nautic tourism, among other segments. 


The opportunities related to Creative Economy arise when Penedo achieves international recognition as an UNESCO’s Creative City, at the Cinema Category.


According to Jair Galvão, Creative Economy and Tourism secretary, the notice is a great opportunity to strengthen and develop Alagoas audiovisual.


“We encourage producers and directors From Penedo and Alagoas to choose Penedo Destination and the Baixo São Francisco region as locations to short films.” Jair Galvão points out.


Karlinne Cordeiro, Creative Economy director from SETUREC, states that the notice also encourages other areas as well. “ Starting from audiovisual, we will be giving visibility to other creative economy areas, making experiences at our destination, through the Film Commission, which supports Alagoas audiovisual producers”, she concludes. 


The notice will select five projects, each with R$60,000 for producing the short films, which totalizes  R$300,000. The projects will be evaluated by a judging commission composed by EMBRATUR’s representatives and specialists in the area. 


Originally posted by Thaciana Lima on 11/01/2023.
Translated by Denner Sabino

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