Theatro Sete de Setembro will host Penedo/AL and Santos/SP Cinema Connection.

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On next April 28th, Penedo city will host the Cinema Connection, promoted by Penedo’s Cinema Circuit and Curta Santos.


The free access event will start at 07:30 p.m. and has the support of the city councils of Penedo and Santos, being held simultaneously in Penedo, at Theatro Sete de Setembro and in Santos, At Teatro Rosinha Mastrângelo.


Short films produced in Penedo will be presented in Santos, and short films produced in Santos will be presented in Penedo simultaneously. 


In Penedo, the short films Lee, by Fabiana Conway; The Ghost Cat of the Paquetá Cemetery, by Dino Menezes; (Almost) at the Center of the Earth, by Igor Avelar and Jonathan Aguiar; Fim, by José Roberto Torero; Paranoias of a Needy Online, by Letícia Paulino and Raízes do Mercado, by Daniel Calado Souza, Francina Ferreira de Lisboa, Jaime Santos and Samara Faustino, will be shown.


While in Santos, A Última Carta, by Eduarda Marques and Sérgio Onofre; Jacaré, by Bruno Ravagnolli; The Poet of Bairro Vermelho, by Matheus Nobre; Vaudeville, by Élcio Verçosa and NAZO Dia e Noite Maria, by Andrea Paiva, will be shown.


“This will be the first of many events we will be making with other cities’ festivals. It’s a way of demonstrating our art and showing how cinematographic we are.” said the Tourism director and also producer of Penedo Cinema Circuit, Karlinne Cordeiro.


“The Cinema connection is one more window that opens itself to Alagoas audiovisual in its relation to the nacional production, plus being a very interesting exchange that will make the disclosure and a bigger circulation of the works possible. This initiative will reinforce bonds between Penedo and Santos, and all the Alagoas audiovisual will be gaining with this partnership.” Said Sérgio Onofre, Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas, and coordinator of the Penedo Cinema Festival.


Original post on April 18th, 2023, by Thaciana Lima.
Translated by Denner Sabino.

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